

Written by Funn Lim


This recap is a combination of 2 episodes. 


The entire episode 21 is to show how Sik Sik goes for Ruco at the end of the day so that episode 22 can wrap things up nicely with them kissing on the beach. The only problem is Nic and guess what? I! WAS! RIGHT! How boring can this be? Very and also very bad editing I suppose.


Sik Sik could no longer trust Nic so once time when she had the chance she installed that tracking app that Su Su installed in Jun Weng's phone. When shopping with Chun Chun, she switched it on and discover he wasn't where he said he was but he was at Raman hotel, the same hotel Kei Ying was working at!! OH! NO! So she went there, panicking, angry, saw flowers, knew which floor, went right up, knocked on the door and there it opened with a very surprised Kei Ying and behind her, an equally surprised (as much surprise as zombie Matt can muster) Nic and guess what she did? Angry, she slapped Kei Ying hard on her cheek only to have her father, sister, brother in law, Chun Chun, Chin Chun, even Ruco all rushed forward to explain it was a surprise party for her!!! Poor Kei Ying, clutched her cheeks and no one, absolutely no one bothered to ask how she was except Ruco and Kei Ying, near tears said she is ok, Sik Sik didn't mean any harm, they're still BFFs. Poor girl! And guess what? Sik Sik hijacked the whole "being wronged" scenario, mutter a small sorry to no one in particular and ran away and out with her was Nic (of course!), Ruco (of course!!) and Chin Chun (huh?). If Jun Weng and dad followed, there it goes, all men after her. And Kei Ying? The most wronged one? No one cared.

Sik Sik cried hooo hooo hooo and disappeared, everyone worried and Ruco knew where she was and back at office he ran to her and she cried her heart out saying things like "I am hurting so bad! I feel so much in pain! I feel like a jerk for not trusting him and I tried but I can't trust him and I feel awful and so ashamed for what I did, for ruining everyone's effort and the party, I feel terrible and I am a bitch and yet I can't help it.." and it was all about MEEEEEE MEEEEEE MEEEEEEEEE. Ruco had to persuade her gently, convincing her Nic loved her, he changed, he did everything for her and Sik Sik cried harder as she felt she could not trust him and did so many petty things so unlike her and Nic arrived and Nic hugged her as Ruco walked aside and away as Nic swear to her he will do all he can to make her trust him again, love him again, want him again  and so they got ok again.


My sister was kind enough to add lib into this scene by saying "I don't get it. You will want to be with someone who brings out the best in you, so if she feels Nic is bringing out the worst in her (which she did say so at one of those hooo hoooo moment), why stick with Nic?"

Ahhh the dilemma of Sik Sik. I will tell you why. There's one more episode to ending, that's why.

I was just flabbergasted at that stupid scene. Why? She made it as if Nic wronged her, well he didn't. She wronged Kei Ying and never did apologise, AT ALL. None whatsoever. She should apologise to Kei Ying, that slap was unjust. So she ran away and we found out she ran away because she felt so ashamed for behaving the way she did so she hid away and if that is so why did she make it as if that EVERYONE wronged her? And she sorta reconciled with Nic. By the way no one cared that Chin Chun also ran after Sik Sik!

Anyway. guess what?


Next scene strangely Sik Sik is happy with Nic again, sunshine and all. I was so confused that I blame it on scene per scene acting. There is no one overall package. She was holly happy again with Kei Ying and gang. Then later Nic realised she seemed very close with Ruco, confronted Ruco and what a man when he told Ruco at his face that if he wanted Sik Sik he should fight for her instead of giving up on pursuing her just because they're like brothers or he wanted to repay Nic for saving his life. I swear it, episode 21 shows Nic in a very very good light. So Nic challenged him to pursue Sik Sik but he was convinced Sik Sik will want Nic and not Ruco in a fair play situation. Ruco just smirked smiled something.

Nic stupidly told Sik Sik the entire truth about the camera thing because he didn't want to start a relationship on lies anymore. Guess what? Sik Sik felt offended, she confronted Ruco and asked him why he felt he should be the one to decide who she should end up with? Why did he give this favour to Nic instead of claiming it as his own as he earned it?


Why? Because Ruco will say "I am in love with Funn so you GET LOST!"

Alas, not the case.


Ruco said he truly believed Nic loved her, he truly believed Nic will be her guardian angel and will make her happy. Sik Sik angrily said she herself didn't even know who she wanted to be with, how then can he know what she was thinking? But since he was so convinced, she said she will show him her happiness, her joy and she walked away. Ruco fretted and guess what? In his room he tearfully became motivated and inspired for a song which he wrote and Yee Kiu heard it and declared it that it was so heartfelt, so true, so sentimental, so heart wrenching, it will be an instant hit and classic. Ruco sadly said the song was based on his personal experience,  if writing songs were to be so painful, that he can only write great songs if he was so miserable or rather suffering so much loss and pain, he'd rather not write ever again. And he left.


I get his meaning I get his pain I just don't get Sik Sik that's all. She seemed pretty clear who she wanted. Many times Sik Sik rejected the notion of someone other than Nic since she reconciled with Nic so what right she had to be so angry with what Ruco did when she herself was not brave enough to confront her own feelings? Why must she pass the blame to someone else, Kei Ying, Nic, Ruco instead of herself doing the right thing for once? Well it gets worse.


Next day apparently Sik Sik forgot she scolded Ruco like a dog the night before or nights before because she came by to see his mom together with Nic and was surprised to know Ruco left for Japan for recording with Jason Lam. I am surprised she is surprised Ruco never called to tell her. Did she have amnesia or something? What pride in any man will allow him to give friendly call to a woman who blasted him for doing the honourable thing? Sik Sik is so sick!

Cut the long story short since Ruco disappeared. Yee Kiu came by to see Sik Sik and explained to her she was selfish in wanting Ruco to write her a song and the song he wrote, Be Your Guardian Angel (or maybe another title, I don't know) was written for someone but not for her as Yee Kiu said. She believed he wrote from his heart and the song was his pain, that someone could love someone else, protect that person not expecting any reward or gratitude or even return. She knew who he wrote it for and gave Sik Sik the demo tape sung by Ruco himself. Sik Sik took it but refused to listen to it for reasons she only know best. FYI, she never did listen to the demo tape so we never get to hear Ruco's voice against the backdrop of Sik Sik falling to the ground crying how she misses Ruco and love him as she beats her own chest in pain. Never happened. The song didn't matter. And neither did he serenade it to her. In fact he never took up a guitar and serenaded this song, not at all. Not in this episode or the next or even the sequel Inbound Love.

Anyway, the song was a hit, super hit, Yee Kiu's career is revived. Ruco was supposedly in Japan and Nic proposed but Sik Sik heard Ruco's song and was overwhelmed with emotion and cried and left poor Nic standing there with the ring. What a woman! Why can't she just tell Nic "I can't marry you, I don't love you anymore"? Because this is why...

Sik Sik dropped by to see Nic who was very evasive and Sik Sik saw a woman in a towel walked out and angrily (can't remember if she slapped him) she cried how she was wrong to trust him ever again and again hoooo hooo hooo ran away and saw Chun Chun who angrily went up to his brother only to see him paying the woman who told Chun Chun she was paid to act out a scene to drive his girlfriend away!! Chun Chun asked why he did that, he will lose Sik Sik forever but Nic said "I just want her to be happy and this will make things easier for her" but Chun Chun was very frustrated as she said "But.. everyone will think you're the bad guy all over again" and Nic coolly said "Well, not like it is the first time I have ever been called the bad guy".


I can't believe I can like Nic so much. He was being so decisive. Since Sik Sik can't make up her bloody small mind, he did it for her so she angrily left and we will of course know who she will end up with. Nic was so stylish or chinese say "siu sah". So I suppose everyone will curse Nic but at some point Chun Chun will blurt out the truth. Poor Kei Ying, being wronged, Poor Nic, being made to take the blame and Sik Sik free in her guilty conscience to do whatever she wants. Whatever did this woman ever do in her past 10 lifetimes to deserve great guys like Nic or Ruco or even Chin Chun? Oh ya, she married Moses Chan, so it helps. You know what I hate most? How easy it was for her to just turn her back on those she wants to turn her back on and then pretend everything's peachy. What an unjust world.


And so she decided to take long leave and go to Malaysia. Yeah, Malaysia. She still did not hear the demo tape, yet. In Malaysia she visited the old places she visited, even ate durian which she hated before but now? She ate the durian whilst crying!! If I was the owner I will kick her out. Bad for business. Anyway she narrated that love can change someone and for someone who hated durian, now she could eat durian because of her love for one man.

She walked past the mural where Ruco once hid the purple flower clip and so she reached in and in it she found her long lost bracelet and cried a little and knew Ruco was there. So I suppose that was how she knew he was not in Japan.

Yeah and she never tried to call him but she did go to the estate to try to find him WHEN SHE HERSELF SAID HE WAS IN JAPAN!!! Well he wasn't, we know that. How funny that she wanted to see Ruco, missed him and yet never flew to Japan to find him but instead went on a one person tour of Malaysia. She has never done anything for him, never lifted a finger for him and guess what? Here comes the happy ending we all knew since episode 1 minute 1;

Coconut gangster appeared out of nowhere and he and half a dozen guys harassed her in the middle of a small park and she screamed "HELP! HELP! LUK KUNG TZI! HELP! HELP! LUK KUNG TZI! HELP!!" and guess what? One coconut hit the gangster and there was our hero Ruco shielding our heroine and the guys were smart and left. And I was praying pls don't scold him pls don't scold him and she looked crossly at him and was about to when Ruco flirted with her.

Next 20 minutes or so we have many flirtation at the Redang Beach and the tree house from day till night/sunset. By then his hands were already on her shoulder and she sat close to him and she asked him why he fell for her?

GOOD QUESTION! Now is the answer we have been waiting for.

Ruco said;

"I started to like you when you  fainted in the sauna, when your towel accidentally fell off and I saw your body.. I must take responsibility!”, and Sik Sik said "Liar".  (added by Norika)

Ruco continued; "Ok. Remember the time you wanted to complain about me and I really hated you. But then I heard your ringtone and it was my song which was already 3 years old and yet you used it as a ringtone. My perception of you changed"

and Sik Sik said "That's a lame excuse. Many people had that song as a ringtone" and Ruco smiled and said "Remember I told you the story about my sister and I and that bicycle mural? The sob story? Well you believed it, someone was stupid and naive enough to believe it and even cried about it. I was very touched by your stupidity and your kindness that from there onwards I sworn to protect you and be your guardian angel"

Ahhhh I see. Boring. In other words, no reasons needed. Love is love, and love is blind. Or maybe men generally like stupid women. I don't know. Because by then the series has yet to end.

Something about why he was the white knight and never told her, etc etc. Can't remember much. I was dozing off. Morning came, and he changed into all white and was her white night. He wanted to give her a surprise, a 3 letter word surprise, moved her to the place and she opened it and it was the name plague I LOVE SEKINCHAN (in chinese). He told her to close her eyes and moved something and when she opened it and there was a mirror cleverly placed at the word "SE" in Chinese that the entire sentence became I LOVE SE SE and SE SE in Chinese is SIK SIK and so it was as Sik Sik said "I love Sik Sik" and Ruco said "Or Sik Sik loves me" and the loved up pair happily ran around and the entire episode ended with I believe sunset or sunrise or something sun something as he looked at her, she looked at him and he made the move to kiss her and I was like at least end it with a passionate kiss but alas, the moment their lips touched, camera moved far far away and all we can see is 2 people supposedly kissing.

Not romantic at all.

As for Chun Chun, she ended up with Chin Chun and they were quite a cute pair. Kei Ying finally settled down as in firmly dating a lawyer and learn a bit of self respect. She never ended up with Nic. As for Nic, he probably went on with his life as happy as he could but his final act of gallantry for his love and his best friend was very very moving. As for Yee Kiu she herself said she will probably not see Ruco ever again who will probably never write for her ever again. Quite sad.


Urghhh! The ending was so darn long! I was dozing off! I was thinking come on lar, end it with:-

a. Ruco serenading her with a guitar or at least just the song - never happened
b. close up shot of a passionate kiss - never happened
c. passionate kiss - never happened
d. the revelation of him being white knight made her go I was such a fool - never happened
e. she cried listening to his demo - never happened
f. she bursts into tears seeing him before her having rescued her from coconut gangster and men and from potential gang rape because you see she missed him very much - never happened
g. she saying sorry to him for doubting him, etc - never happened
h. she saying she misses him - never happened
i. she makes him bento lunch box - never happened
j. she pole dances for him (???) - never happened
k. she hugs him tightly - never ever happened
l. she looks at him lovingly and with longing - yeah like as if it will ever happen

So many things never happened if happened could have elevated this series into the romantic zone, at least for the last episode but never happened. All that happened were not romantic. Flirtatious yes but romantic? Nope. Like I said, I had a hard time keeping my eyes opened and concentration 100%. I don't expect like fireworks but I expected something more satisfying when they do meet again and that would involve more scenes like Sik Sik missing him, looking for him, going to Japan, etc etc etc. Never happened. All I can remember of episodes 21 and 22 were very badly edited scenes, a very confusing Sik Sik and a hypocritical one and a burning question; what's so great about this Sik Sik anyway?

I will admit that mirror thing and that I Love Sik Sik thing was rather cute. And episode 22 left me feeling all things wonderful about Nic who did the most gallant and gentlemanly thing as I have predicted. Very gentlemanly and by being the bad guy he gave Sik Sik her true happiness which she does not deserve. Chun Chun was right to be frustrated for Nic.

That's it. 

The end. 

No more!

I will write a (not so) short review on this series where I will concentrate on performances and certain aspects of this series.


  1. This truly was an awful series.

    It was primarily ruined by Aimee's atrocious acting. I got the feeling TVB protmoting her big time meant she had a lot of creative control on Sik Sik's personality. In fact it felt at times it was Aimee Chan being Sik Sik being Aimee Chan! I completely agree Sik Sik was such a one-dimensional person where everything had to revolve around her and she could pick and choose whether to be happy or sad regardless the situation. So fickle. It's clear from the outset that Sik Sik never loved Ruco unless pushed, else, why would she readily accept Nic once it was revealed he was helping everyone?

    Nic's sacrifice was very predictable since it was the only way the end could happen, especially as the final outcome was shown in the intro.

    I'll be glad to not see Aimee for a while. As for Ruco, let's hope you find a more suitable supporting actress.

  2. Hi Funn, thanks for the recap! Do you know who sang the theme song for this series? Not the Mandarin version at the beginning sung by a woman, I'm looking for the Cantonese version usually at the end of the episode sung by a man. Any ideas?

    1. "I'm looking for the Cantonese version usually at the end of the episode sung by a man. "

      Ruco himself.

    2. Bet you didn't know Ruco could sing and so well too! Here's the link to Youtube where the song is uch a big hit with more than 438,000 views since being uploaded 3 weeks ago.

  3. Love the recaps! I just wanted to say that I haven't been watching TVB shows for a long while but I watched the first few episode of this series at my in laws so was hooked then. The ending is so very disappointing. Ya, I know Nic did the gentlemanly thing but seriously he just said before that he wanted to be truthful to her and blurted out the truth about the camera! Using a lie to chase her out now wouldn't make sik sik tells him off the same way she did Ruco when she found out about the camera? Then she would be back in the same dilemma again, a never ending cycle of self doubt and questioning until no one cares about her any more.

  4. Good point. But since it ended with happily ever after on 1st day of official dating and with Nic gone, I don't think she will ever know or ever care.


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